Country Data
The following is the latest information from Reach regarding the data requirements per country. There are only strict requirements in a subset of countries. In general, for countries other than those listed below, please refer to the address formatting information from the Universal Postal Union for general formatting information.
AR: Argentina
Consumer Information
All local orders in Argentina must include the DNI, or "Documento Nacional de Identidad" in the "NationalIdentifier" field.
Format: Numeric value between 7 and 11 digits
BR: Brazil
The shopper's bank must be specified in the Issuer field of the checkout API call. The list of acceptable banks is returned from getPaymentMethods.
Consumer Information
All local orders in Brazil must include the CPF as the "NationalIdentifier" field if the purchase is by a person, or the CPNJ as the "NationalIdentifier" field if the purchase is by a company. The "BirthDate" of the consumer is also required.
Brazilian addresses must include a ZIP code and use the abbreviation code for the state below:
Code | Name | Code | Name | |
AC | Acre | PB | Paraíba | |
AL | Alagoas | PR | Paraná | |
AP | Amapá | PE | Pernambuco | |
AM | Amazonas | PI | Piauí | |
BA | Bahia | RJ | Rio de Janeiro | |
CE | Ceará | RN | Rio Grande do Norte | |
DF | Distrito Federal | RS | Rio Grande do Sul | |
ES | Espirito Santo | RO | Rondônia | |
GO | Goiás | RR | Roraima | |
MA | Maranhão | SC | Santa Catarina | |
MT | Mato Grosso | SP | São Paulo | |
MS | Mato Grosso do Sul | SE | Sergipe | |
MG | Minas Gerais | TO | Tocantins | |
PA | Pará |
CA: Canada
Consumer Information
Canadian addresses must include a postal code, and use the abbreviation code for the province/territory below:
Code | Name | Code | Name | |
AB | Alberta | NU | Nunavut | |
BC | British Columbia | ON | Ontario | |
MB | Manitoba | PE | Prince Edward Island | |
NB | New Brunswick | QC | Quebec | |
NL | Newfoundland and Labrador | SK | Saskatchewan | |
NS | Nova Scotia | YT | Yukon | |
NT | Northwest Territories |
CL: Chile
The shopper's bank must be specified in the Issuer field of the checkout API call. The list of acceptable banks is returned from getPaymentMethods.
Format: Alphanumeric value between 8 and 9 digits
IN: India
All local orders in India must include the PAN number in the "NationalIdentifier" field in this format "[PAN]".
For example: "NationalIdentifier":"ARLPA0061H"
The PAN is a 10 character string where the first 5 characters are letters, the next four are digits, and the last character is a letter.
Credit Cards
3D Secure is required for credit cards processed locally in India. Contact our technical team for assistance. Find out more information about 3DS here.
If a customer enters a local card, Reach will pass back the 3Ds information the merchant needs to use to redirect the customer to for authentication. If it’s not a local card, no 3Ds link will be passed and the transaction will be processed without 3Ds.
For testing local India credit cards with 3DS in sandbox, the cardholder name needs to be specified as “PEND” to trigger the 3DS interaction.
MX: Mexico
All local non-Card orders in Mexico must include the customer's RFC number in the "NationalIdentifier" field.
Bank Transfers
In Mexico, the shopper's bank must be specified in the Issuer field of the checkout API call. The list of acceptable banks is returned from getPaymentMethods.
Credit Cards
Due to acquiring channel limitations, credit card pre-authorization in Mexico requires special consideration. Contact our technical team for assistance.
Debit Cards
Debit cards in Mexico are supported using the DEBIT payment method, which does not support pre-authorization.
Consumer Information
Mexican addresses must include a ZIP code, and use the abbreviation code for the state below:
Code | Name | Code | Name | |
AGS | Aguascalientes | MOR | Morelos | |
BC | Baja California | NAY | Nayarit | |
BCS | Baja California Sur | NL | Nuevo Leon | |
CAM | Campeche | OAX | Oaxaca | |
COA | Coahuila | PEU | Puebla | |
COL | Colima | QRO | Queretaro | |
CHS | Chiapas | ROO | Quintana Roo | |
CHI | Chihuahua | SLP | San Luis Potosi | |
DF | Distrito Federal | SIN | Sinaloa | |
DGO | Durango | SON | Sonora | |
GTO | Guanajuato | TAB | Tabasco | |
GRO | Guerrero | TAM | Tamaulipas | |
HGO | Hidalgo | TLA | Tlaxcala | |
JAL | Jalisco | VER | Veracruz | |
MEX | Mexico | YUC | Yucatan | |
MIC | Michoacan | ZAC | Zacatecas |
NL: Netherlands
The shopper's bank must be specified in the Issuer field of the checkout API call. The list of acceptable banks is returned from getPaymentMethods.
PE: Peru
The shopper's bank must be specified in the Issuer field of the checkout API call. The list of acceptable banks is returned from getPaymentMethods.
SE: Sweden
Debit payment methods must be prioritized and displayed before credit or pay later payment methods. Credit options must not be pre-selected or pre-filled.
For more information on this requirement, please see the Swedish government regulation.
This requirement is applicable for the following situations.
- Your business processes in SEK.
- Your business maintains a Swedish entity.
- Your business maintains a .se or .nu domain
- Your business actively markets to Swedish consumers.
- You have over 1000 Swedish shoppers a month as measured from IP, issuer, or shipping address.
US: United States
Consumer Information
US addresses must include a ZIP code (+4 optional), and use the abbreviation code for the state/territory below:
Code | Name | Code | Name | |
AL | Alabama | NM | New Mexico | |
AK | Alaska | NY | New York | |
AZ | Arizona | NC | North Carolina | |
AR | Arkansas | ND | North Dakota | |
CA | California | OH | Ohio | |
CO | Colorado | OK | Oklahoma | |
CT | Connecticut | OR | Oregon | |
DE | Delaware | PA | Pennsylvania | |
DC | District of Columbia | RI | Rhode Island | |
FL | Florida | SC | South Carolina | |
GA | Georgia | SD | South Dakota | |
HI | Hawaii | TN | Tennessee | |
ID | Idaho | TX | Texas | |
IL | Illinois | UT | Utah | |
IN | Indiana | VT | Vermont | |
IA | Iowa | VA | Virginia | |
KS | Kansas | WA | Washington | |
KY | Kentucky | WV | West Virginia | |
LA | Louisiana | WI | Wisconsin | |
ME | Maine | WY | Wyoming | |
MD | Maryland | US | United States Federal | |
MA | Massachusetts | IT | International | |
MI | Michigan | PR | Puerto Rico | |
MN | Minnesota | VI | US Virgin Islands | |
MS | Mississippi | MP | Northern Mariana Islands | |
MO | Missouri | GU | Guam | |
MT | Montana | AS | American Samoa | |
NE | Nebraska | PW | Palau | |
NV | Nevada | AA | Armed Forces Americas | |
NH | New Hampshire | AE | Armed Forces Europe | |
NJ | New Jersey | AP | Armed Forces Pacific |
Updated almost 5 years ago