DocumentationAPI Reference


Servipag Logo

Servipag is a secure and fast solution in which consumers can buy online by choosing one of the 21 available payment methods. It is a cash voucher method.

Servipag was founded in 1990 by Banco BCI and Banco do Chile. The method has approximately 3.5 million users, allows payments to around 1,300 companies, and supports an average of 9 million transactions per month. Servipag maintains a network of 361 offices distributed throughout Chile and 1,400 Servipag Express agencies, as well as

Payment Flow


Here's a video from Servipag on how the checkout flow looks to a consumer:


Type of Payment
Consumer Currency
Consumer Country
Expiry Period
15 days
Recurring Payments
Partial Payment
No. The shopper must pay the entire amount due.
Yes. Refunds are submitted normally and can take up to 24 hours to complete.


What is Servipag?

Servipag is a cash payment method used widely in Chile.

How does Servipag work?

Once a consumer selects Servipag as her payment method, she confirms her details and gets a payment voucher. The voucher, which is emailed to the shopper, contains instructions on how to make the payment. The shopper can take the voucher to a Servipag outlet to pay with cash. The outlet then communicates with Reach and its partners to show that payment has occurred.

What does a Servipag voucher look like?

A Servipag voucher looks similar to the following:


Best Practices

  • Because shoppers have the option to pay the Servipag voucher at a kiosk, there is often a lag of multiple days between the order being placed and the order being paid. Remember to wait until payment is made to ship any physical goods.
  • If the amount of a transaction changes (an order modification), you must issue a new Servipag voucher for the entire amount of the transaction. It's best to set expectations with your shopper that they should only pay the updated voucher, not the original voucher.
  • For refunds, our Chilean banking partners will have to get in touch with the customer and send them a bank transfer for the amount paid.
    • Because refunds are routed directly to the customer's bank account, refunds can take multiple days. It's important to build this flexibility into your systems. Keep in mind that the refund process will require that the processor contacts the shopper for bank information, as refunds go directly to the customer's bank account.
    • For Servipag refunds, it is recommended the customer is made aware to watch for, and respond to, the email from the processor.
    • For Servipag refunds initiated by Reach, Reach will need the following information to process the refunds:
      Bank Name :
      Bank Account Number:
      Branch Code: :
      Bank Account Holder's Full Name:
      Account type:
  • If you cancel an order, it's best that you reach out to the customer immediately and let them know. If you cancel a Servipag order while it's pending, the customer will have no way of knowing that the order was canceled. As such, they may pay that slip and wait for the order to arrive, but it never will.
  • Please note that because it is a cash payment method, fraud is relatively low with Servipag compared to other non-cash-based payment methods.

Technical Considerations

  • Please find sample code below
  "MerchantId": "e78e8cd0-24b8-4b0c-a922-87a1d8cc61c3",
  "ReferenceId": "1540602793860",
  "PaymentMethod": "SERVIPAG",
  "ConsumerCurrency": "CLP",
  "Capture": true,
  "Items": [
      "Description": "Piston",
      "ConsumerPrice": 100,
      "Quantity": 1,
      "Sku": "4383471583721"
  "Consumer": {
    "Name": "Jane Doe",
    "Email": "[email protected]",
    "Phone": "1234567890",
    "Address": "123 Any Street",
    "City": "Somewhere",
    "Region": "14",
    "PostalCode": "12345",
    "Country": "CL",
    "NationalIdentifier": "123456789"
  "DeviceFingerprint": "a5772185-1c9a-4646-9772-557fc6083ea2",
  "Return": ""
  "OrderId": "bbc20f61-4679-4cc0-b48e-c386150bcf9a",
  "UnderReview": false,
  "Expiry": "2018-11-12T01:12:19Z",
  "Authorized": false,
  "Completed": false,
  "Captured": false,
  "Action": {
    "Redirect": ""


  • Please ask your technical onboarding manager for details related to testing this payment method.

Related Information

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