DocumentationAPI Reference

Reach Notes and Metafields Information

Reach Notes in Shopify Additional Details section

With orders processed through Reach, Reach is able to pass in order notes which contains the product purchased, shipping, taxes (if any), and total prices customer paid via the Reach system. This information is only passed on order paid status and its not retroactive (starts working for orders post its active configuration with Reach)

An example of how it shows up in the Shopify order dashboard is displayed below. It basically shows

  1. The prices paid by the customer under each checkout items
  2. The store currency/Merchant prices as displayed inside Shopify


Additional Details

These notes injected by Reach into the Additional fields are pure text strings and should mostly be used as quick references on order page. For data pull, we advice the consuming the meta fields as described below.

Reach Order Metafield Information

When orders are processed through Reach, Reach uses the Shopify metafields section to add custom fields to the order object, such data include the customer and merchant currency, product information, how much was charged and paid in the localized currency and the date and time of the transaction on Reach side.

Reach Metafield Structure

idIntegerAn integer value that identifies the metafield object
namespacestringThis is default as "reach"
keystringThis is default as "currencies" to show what type of information is in the metafield
value_typestringThe value type is mostly "json_string" showing what kind of type the value object is
descriptionstringThis includes any text description that is attached to the transaction. Can be null
owner_idIntegerThis is the order id in Shopify for this transaction
created_atdatetimeDate transaction was created on Reach system
updated_atdatetimeDate transaction was updated on Reach system if different from created_at date
owner_resourcestringThe corresponds to which Shopify object this metafields was used with, In this case "order"
 consumerCurrencystringThe currency in which the customer paid in
 merchantCurrencystringThe Merchant currency with Reach which most times is the Shopify's store currency
  variantIdintegerThe variantID of the product purchased
  productIdintegerThe productID of the product purchased
  skustringThe sku of the product as passed to Reach from Shopify
  quantityintegerThe quantity of the product item purchased
  consumerdecimalThe purchased amount for the product in consumer currency
  merchantdecimalThe selling amount of the product in Merchant currency
 discountsarrayIf available from the checkout information to Reach, contains the discount information
 giftcardsarrayIf available from the checkout information to Reach, contains the gift-cards information
   consumerdecimalShipping amount in Consumer currency
   merchantdecimalShipping amount in Merchant currency
   consumerdecimalDuty amount in Consumer currency
   merchantdecimalDuty amount in Merchant currency
  consumerdecimalTaxes in Consumer currency
  merchantdecimalTaxes in Merchant currency
  consumerdecimalTotal amount paid in Consumer currency
  merchantdecimalTotal amount in Merchant currency
	"metafields": [
			"id": 12156239085635,
			"namespace": "reach",
			"key": "currencies",
			"value": "{
				"consumerCurrency": "CAD",
				"merchantCurrency": "USD",
				"items": [
						"variantId": 12334772289600,
						"productId": 7813877776,
						"sku": "222345",
						"quantity": 1,
						"consumer": 209.62,
						"merchant": 150.0
				"discounts": [],
				"giftcards": [],
				"shipping": {
					"price": {
						"consumer": 13.98,
						"merchant": 10.0
					"duty": {
						"consumer": 63.87,
						"merchant": 45.7
				"taxes": {
					"consumer": 14.38,
					"merchant": 10.29
				"total": {
					"consumer": 301.85,
					"merchant": 215.99
			"value_type": "json_string",
			"description": null,
			"owner_id": 2321168367683,
			"created_at": "2020-08-27T12:02:04-06:00",
			"updated_at": "2020-08-27T12:02:04-06:00",
			"owner_resource": "order"

How do I activate Notes and Metafields on my Account?

The Reach Notes and Metafields features are not added to your account configuration on Reach system by default. To have these features enabled, kindly reach out to your Reach Success Manager or contact [email protected]