DocumentationAPI Reference

Reach - The Localize API Call

The Reach /localize GET API call is used to retrieve locale data from the Reach system. When you have to get FX rates for a particular currency, calling the /localize api call with the right parameters gives the converted response you need.

The /localize input parameters

MerchantIduuidYesThe 36 character GUID which identifies the merchant to theReach system.
CallbackstringNoThe JSONP Javascript function to call
Countrychar(2)NoIf the merchant already knows the consumer’s country, the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 can be passed in to fetch the localization data for that country. If this is specified, the GEO-IP lookup will be bypassed.
Currencychar(3)NoThe upper-case 3 character ISO 4217 currency code to get the symbol and units for, if available
IncludeRatebooleanNoIf true, the latest rate offer will be returned. If not included, or false, a rate offer will not be returned.
ConsumerIpAddressstringNoThis parameter must be specified when the request is being made on behalf of the consumer, not directly via the consumer’s browser. If a ​Country​ is specified, this is ignored.
MerchantPricesarrayNoIf the merchant is configured to use Reach’s Vanity Pricing, a set of tags is required with the associated prices.
Note - The Merchant Prices is an encoded Json when passed through the GET call)
PricedecimalYesThe price to convert.
TagstringNoA tag associated with the price. This may be a SKU, Variant ID, group etc.


Sandbox vs Production API call

If you are testing against a production store. kindly reach out to your Reach Account Manager for more information.

The Reach Test Tool

The Reach API test tool available at allows developers to test the Reach API calls easily and also gives insight into how it works.

Request Type: /localize
Merchant Id: Your Reach MerchantId
Include Rate is optional
Country and Currency - either is needed not both.
Merchant Prices - encoded JSON


Localize Request/Response [Example]



Using POST instead of GET

While the /localize api endpoint works on both GET and POST, we highly recommend a POST call if you have a large product base and would need to do a large batch call.

	"Country": "CA",
	"Currency": "EUR",
	"Symbol": "€",
	"Units": 2,
	"RateOffer": {
		"Id": "10e201f9-2254-44d4-aac0-797dedd8a5da",
		"Expiry": "2020-08-07T18:01:31.629602Z",
		"Rate": 0.8627
	"ConsumerPrices": [

API tools such as Postman can also be used to make test api call towards Reach


Reach API Documentation

For a full documentation on Reach api visit: