DocumentationAPI Reference

States and Events


This page provides a brief overview of all order, refund, contract, and review states and notifications that a merchant will experience.

Notification events are sent to merchants via asynchronous HTTP POST requests in order to synchronize the merchant's payment information with Reach's information. Technical information around handling notifications can be found in the Reach API Specification Guide.


Order States

Authenticating External authentication (e.g. PayPal) is in progress before a payment attempt has been made.
Pending The order is waiting for a payment attempt to be made.
Processing*A payment attempt requiring external authentication (e.g. PayPal) is in progress.
PaymentAuthorized*Payment has been authorized. If the order is not under review payment capture may proceed.
Processed*Payment for the order has completed successfully.
ProcessingFailed*The last payment attempt made for the order was not successful.
Cancelled* The order was cancelled explicitly by the merchant or the order expired before being captured.
Declined*The order was declined as a result of a manual fraud review.

*Asynchronous notifications are sent when these states are reached.

Order State Diagram




Refund states are independent of the state of the order the refund is associated with.


Attempting to process a refund again after an initial failure may or may not be successful. Reach personnel are notified and investigate each refund failure.

Refund States

InProgress The refund is still pending.
Succeeded*The refund succeeded.
Failed*The refund failed.

*Asynchronous notifications are sent when these states are reached.

Refund State Diagram


Fraud Reviews


Review states are independent of the state of the order being reviewed. Reviews are initiated and resolved by Reach's fraud team.

Under Review States

True The payment attempt is under review.
False The payment attempt is not under review.

Notification Events

Order Under ReviewThe payment attempt is under review. Fulfillment should not continue regardless of order state.
Order ApprovedThe payment attempt has been approved and is no longer under review. Fulfillment may continue if the order is in a completed state.
Order Declined The payment attempt has been declined and the order state has been set to Declined. Fulfillment should not continue.

Fraud State Diagram



Contract States

Open*The contract is open and the associated ContractId may be used in subsequent /create, /checkout, and /authorize requests.
Closed*The contract is closed and the ContractId may not be used for new orders.

*Asynchronous notifications are sent when these states are reached.

Contract State Diagram