DocumentationAPI Reference


Install the Reach DHL app, by following link to install the app:<store_domain>


<store_domain> should look like:


Add snippet to checkout.liquid, at the very end of

<!-- Reach DHL Script -->

Configure DHL settings

Navigate to Apps > Reach DHL > Carrier tab and enter your DHL credentials


Enabling the carrier will make the custom shipping options show up on the shipping step in checkout.


After the Carrier is enabled, navigate to Settings > Shipping and remove the DHL Carrier from any domestic shipping zone ie. any zone for the same country as your shipping origin.

Configure Shipping Options

Navigate to the Apps > Reach DHL > Shipping tab and configure the shipping zones and rates


Checking include duties will add the DHL duties quote to the amount for that rate.

Shipping Zone NameLabel for the shipping zone, not shown to user.
RatesList of rate brackets
OrderOrder is simply used for organizing the rates in the admin. It does not denote the order of the shipping rates, since Shopify will order them based on amount automatically.
NameThe displayed name of the shipping option which the customer selects during checkout.
AmountBase rate of the shipping option in the store currency.
Order MinMinimum value of the order subtotal. If left blank, will match any order subtotal below Order Max.
Order MaxMaximum value of the order subtotal. If left blank, will match any order subtotal above Order Min.
Include DutiesIf checked, the additional Duty/Tax will be added to the Shipping Method amount, and broken out as a separate line item in the Order Summary (optional).
EnabledEnable or disable the rate. Disabled rates will not be shown to the customer.

Configure HS Codes

Navigate to the Apps > Reach DHL > HS Codes tab and upload the HS Codes CSV file to have the correct HS Codes mapped to products.

nameYesDisplay name of the product.
skuYesProduct SKU configured within Shopify.
hs_codeNoThe HS code to use on the product for estimating DHL duties/taxes.
country_codeNoThe Country of origin to use on the product for estimating DHL duties/taxes.