DocumentationAPI Reference


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Sofortüberweisung, or "Sofort," is an online direct payment method. It is an immediate and direct transfer of funds.

Customers who select Sofort as their preferred method of payment for an online purchase will be directed straight to the secure payment form. Relevant data is carried over automatically so that the customer only needs to enter her bank's sort code along with her usual online banking login details, and finally, the confirmation code in order to authorize the transfer. All information delivered to the customer's bank is in an encrypted form. The merchant receives confirmation of the transfer order in real time.

, or "Sofort,"

Payment Flow


Here's a video walkthrough of the shopper journey:

Here's a video walkthrough of the mobile shopper journey:


Type of Payment
Consumer Currency
Consumer Country
Austria, Belgium, France and Germany
Expiry Period
URL Expiry - The URL returned for online payment methods is generally only valid for a few minutes.
Recurring Payments
Partial Payment
Yes - Direct refunds are available in Austria, Belgium and Germany only. Bank transfer refunds are also available. This payment method has a refund period of 180 days.


Is there a timeout for a customer entering her bank information?

  • There is no timeout value for the shopper to enter their bank code/sort code on the Sofort payment pages. After a shopper enters the bank code/sort code, she selects ‘Weiter’’ to go to the next page to enter bank account login credentials.
  • There is a timeout for bank account login information. The customer has 6 minutes to enter bank account login on the Sofort payment page, and then select ‘Weiter’’ to go to the next page. On the next page, the customer must enter a TAN (Transaction Authentication Number).
  • The shopper has between 5 to 10 minutes to enter the TAN number. After the shopper enters the TAN number, she selects ‘Weiter’’ to complete the payment. This 5 to 10 minute time limit is different for each bank.

Best Practices

The Shopper Journey should generally follow the guidelines below:

  1. The shopper chooses SOFORT from among the payment method options on the merchant's website.
  2. After selecting SOFORT, the shopper is redirected to the online banking environment and chooses their country and enters the name of their bank.
  3. The shopper enters their bank credentials.
  4. The shopper selects their account (if more than one is available).
  5. The shopper enters a transaction authentication number, which is sent via SMS or generated on a secure device, depending on the bank
  6. The shopper reaches the Sofort confirmation page, after which they are redirected back to the online store.

Technical Considerations

  • Please note that if a consumer cancels the payment and then clicks "Go Back" while they are in the SOFORT redirect, the consumer will no longer have access to the session.
  • If a customer does not finish the transaction within the timeout period, the transaction will fail.

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