DocumentationAPI Reference


This page contains information about how to use /getRates, guaranteed rates, spot rates, and the basics of converting prices from one currency to another. For more information please refer to the API Specification.

Guaranteed Rates

423 1615


Rate offers typically expire 25 hours after they have been created with longer expiry times available in special circumstances. We recommend that /getRates is called a couple times per day for a better user experience which means it's possible to have multiple, non-expired rate offers. In that case, the latest rate offer should be used for new visitors.

Spot Rates

The /getRates request is the same structure for either guaranteed rates or spot rates. If your merchant account is configured for spot rates then the response to /getRates will include only a currency code and an indication rate.

The indication rate is only meant to be used to approximate converted prices based on current market rates. When the transaction goes through, the foreign exchange rate used to settle the transaction may be slightly different than the indication rate returned in /getRates depending on market fluctuations.

"Rates": [
{      "Currency": "ZMW",
       "Rate": 13.059026
{      "Currency": "ZAR",
       "Rate": 15.326697
...   ]

Calculate Pricing

Utilize /getRates to convert your product price to your customer's currency. For example,