DocumentationAPI Reference

Currency Selector

The Reach Currency Selector allows your shoppers to control the currency in which they shop at your store, regardless of geolocation.


The currency selector is an optional feature; it will not affect anything else if omitted.

Add the currency selector to Sections > footer.liquid

<select class="gip_currency_select">
  <option value="GBP">British Pounds</option>
  <option value="CAD">Canadian Dollars</option>
  <option value="USD">US Dollars</option>
  <option value="EUR">Euro</option>
  <option value="-1" class="gip_currency_select_local">(local)</option>
  • Each option should contain the Reach currency code as the value, but the text can be anything.
  • There must be an option for the store base currency.
  • There must also be an option with a value of -1 which will be used for the automatically detected currency if it is not already on the list. If custom text is required for this option, the id="gip_currency_select_local" can be removed to achieve this.

Custom Currency Selector

If you are utilizing your own currency selector there are some optional classes that may help you.

  • You may add the class gip-currency-select-text to any element that should display the current currency code.
  • You may add the class gip-currency-class to any element that you would like to style according to the currency selected. The script will automatically add an additional 'gip-currency-class-{current currency}' class to that element.
    • For example, if the selected currency is "USD" then the added class will be gip-currency-code-usd.