DocumentationAPI Reference

Pago Fácil


Pago Fácil Logo

Pago Fácil is a payment method in Argentina that allows customers to make cash payments at a network of over 3,000 locations that serve as agents for Pago Fácil.

Customers receive an invoice from the online retailer, then go to the nearest Pago Fácil agent to pay the invoice. The Pago Fácil agent processes the payment, sending Reach and its partners a notification that the invoice is paid. The customer then receives proof of payment.

Payment Flow



Type of Payment
Consumer Currency
Consumer Country
Expiry Period
30 days is recommended
Recurring Payments
Partial Payment
No. The shopper must pay the entire amount due.
Yes. Refunds are submitted normally and can take up to 24 hours to complete.


How does Pago Facil work?

  • Customers receive an invoice from the retailer, then go to the nearest Pago Fácil agent to pay the invoice. The Pago Fácil agent processes the payment, sending Reach and its partners a notification that the invoice is paid. The customer then receives proof of payment.

Best Practices

  • Refunds are not possible through Pago Fácil. To refund a customer, you must request their bank details for a bank transfer.

Technical Considerations

  • Refunds are not possible through Pago Fácil.
  • The only way to stop a Pago Fácil payment is through a cancellation of the order. Cancellations are only possible if performed the same day as the transaction was made.
  • Neither underpayment nor overpayment is possible with Pago Fácil. Pago Fácil agents will only accept the correct payment at the Pago Fácil kiosk.
  • Payment attempts made by a customer after the expiration of the invoice will be rejected at the Pago Fácil kiosk.
  • Please find sample code below
  "MerchantId": "e78e8cd0-24b8-4b0c-a922-87a1d8cc61c3",
  "ReferenceId": "1540602571601",
  "PaymentMethod": "PAGOFACIL",
  "ConsumerCurrency": "ARS",
  "Capture": true,
  "Items": [
      "Description": "Piston",
      "ConsumerPrice": 100,
      "Quantity": 1,
      "Sku": "4383471583721"
  "Consumer": {
    "Name": "Jane Doe",
    "Email": "[email protected]",
    "Phone": "1234567890",
    "Address": "123 Any Street",
    "City": "Somewhere",
    "Region": "14",
    "PostalCode": "12345",
    "Country": "AR",
    "NationalIdentifier": "12345678"
  "DeviceFingerprint": "a5772185-1c9a-4646-9772-557fc6083ea2",
  "Return": ""
  "OrderId": "6d576232-2e0a-46e1-87d4-21e7f46a8b37",
  "UnderReview": false,
  "Expiry": "2018-11-02T01:08:37Z",
  "Authorized": false,
  "Completed": false,
  "Captured": false,
  "Action": {
    "Redirect": ""


  • There is no testing environment available to simulate payment of Pago Fácil. Completing a Pago Fácil order in the test environment requires actual payment of the order.
  • Please ask your technical onboarding manager for details related to testing this payment method.

Related Information

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