DocumentationAPI Reference

Shopify Custom App Guide

This guide will walk you through setting up an extension store on Shopify using the Reach Embedded solution.

Part One

Create App

Our first step is to install an API into your Shopify account to ensure smooth reporting and remittance on Reach’s end. Follow these easy steps to complete the process:

Step 1.

Navigate to Settings > Apps and Sales Channels

Step 2.

Click “Develop Apps” in the top-right corner.

Step 3.

Once clicked, the screen will change - click “Create an app” in the top-right corner.

Step 4.

This should pop up a modal window. You can enter a name for the app, we suggest “Reach Data.”

Step 5.

This will now take you to an overview page.

• From tabs at the top, click “Configuration”

• Under Admin API access scopes search and click the checkboxes of:


• Scroll to the bottom and click “Save”

Step 6.

Navigate to API Credentials from the tabs on the top.

• Click “Install App”

Step 7.

You will then be provided with an API Access Token and API Keys
• Click “Reveal token once”
• Copy the following and send to your Reach representative

Admin API access Token
API Secret Key

Part Two

Terms & conditions

Merchant of Record requirements

By deploying this solution, Reach will be acting as your Merchant of Record. There are legal requirements from our processing partners that we strictly adhere to, such as the Terms & Conditions laid out by our partnership with the merchant.

Please visit this link to read our Terms & Conditions and follow the steps outlined to easily place them on your website - these must be accessible from a link in the footer of your website.