About Klarna

Klarna is the largest provider of Pay later services in the world. Klarna offers flexible payment options that give customers more freedom to choose when and how to pay for a purchase. Klarna provides payment solutions for 90 million consumers and over 250+ thousand retailers across 19 core markets.
Payment Flow

Once the order is created the merchant has 7 days to capture it.
Capture of an amount less the then original authorization is supported, however only a single partial payment is supported at this time.
Sample Checkout
POST https://checkout.rch.io/v2.21
"MerchantId": "ee54106f-30b8-45df-b62f-b649fc80eafd",
"ReferenceId": "1621468436723",
"ConsumerCurrency": "USD",
"PaymentMethod": "KLARNA",
"Capture": false,
"Items": [
"Description": "Thingy",
"ConsumerPrice": 100,
"Quantity": 1,
"Sku": "4383471583721"
"ImageUrl": "test.jpg"
"Consumer": {
"Name": "Big Red",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Phone": "3337678899",
"Address": "223 elm tree",
"City": "place",
"Region": "Hamburg",
"PostalCode": "20",
"Country": "US"
"DeviceFingerprint": "c41487d2-6654-4d6a-8e55-2f3d92b285f8",
"StashId": null,
"Return": "https://checkout.rch.red/return.php"
"OrderId": "c29173aa-dffb-400e-8a03-0a6636e77719",
"UnderReview": false,
"Expiry": "2021-05-21T23:54:02Z",
"Authorized": false,
"Completed": false,
"Captured": false,
"Action": {
"Redirect": "https://sandbox.withreach.com/auth/9a2c1f80-01b5-4cb4-90ae-c8adcb85cb0a"
Technical Considerations
Is some regions, such as US / UK, Klarna may choose to perform additional fraud screening on your order requests. In the event that a payment is flagged for review, the transaction state will be held in CommitAccepted until we have received final authorization from Klarna.
When you attempt to capture an order in this state, the capture response will return with Completed=false. You should then wait for the notification informing you that the order has transitioned to Processed or Processing Failed.
See: States and Events and POST /capture
Related Information
- Klarna maintains a Customer Service portal for all supported countries here.
Please see our most recent API Reference guide.
Klarna Guide
Klarna is a payment method that allows customers to pay for purchases using both immediate and deferred payments. Klarna includes a number of payment options, based on the customer’s regions, including:
- pay now - supports direct debit, major credit cards and Sofort
- pay later - pay in 14, 21, or 30 days
- pay over time (pay in) - pay in 3 or 4 equal instalments
The benefit to the merchant is full payment is received at the time of purchase and Klarna takes care of collecting the payments from the customer.
Implementation of Klarna through Reach is as simple as the integration with our other payment products. Once configured through our merchant support, when the customer checkout is rendered in a region where Klarna is available, the Klarna payment method will be visible for customer selection. When the customer selects Klarna, they will be redirected to Klarna’s hosted checkout page. When the customer has completed their purchase, they are redirected back to the merchant site.
Custom Branding Options
If you wish to further enhance the Klarna hosted payment experience for your customers, you can supply a feature image / logo matching your own branding.
Please contact the [merchant support team](mailto: [email protected]?subject=Klarna Custom Branding Request) for assistance.

Note: The feature image you supply may appear slightly darker in the Klarna checkout.
On-Site Messaging
On-Site Messaging is a platform offered by Klarna which provides the ability to include tailored messaging in the merchant’s web site. By using on-site messaging you can better inform your customers of the options available to them through the Klarna payment method (e.g. Pay in instalments).
To enable this capability, you must include the Klarna JavaScript library on your page according to Klarna’s documentation and set the src and data-client-id parameters with the appropriate values as returned from a call to Reach's /getPaymentMethods endpoint.
Klarna provides different JavaScript libraries and client IDs for different regions. Be sure to include the correct country code, currency, or locale when making the call to getPaymentMethods to retrieve the URL and client ID.
Use the response values and dynamically set them on your page.
"code.Parameters.ClientId -> data-client-id
"codes.Parameters.OnSiteJavaScriptUrl -> src
Integration of Klarna’s on-site messaging generally follows the guide provided on Klarna’s website with some minor changes to allow for integration within the Reach ecosystem.
Klarna suggests including the script tag at the first element in the page’s body element. However, it is possible to include the script dynamically after retrieving the URL and client ID from the getPaymentMethods call.
"Id": "KLARNA",
"Name": "Klarna",
"Class": "Online",
"Language": "en",
"Local": true,
"Parameters": {
"ClientId": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
"OnSiteJavaScriptUrl": "https://eu-library.klarnaservices.com/lib.js"
let script = document.createElement('script');
// the url provided by getPaymentMethods
script.src = <source>;
// the client ID provided by getPaymentMethods
script.setAttribute('data-client-id’, <client ID>);
script.async = true;
// ID so we can replace the script for region changes
script.id = 'klarna';
// refresh the adds after attaching the script
window.KlarnaOnsiteService = window.KlarnaOnsiteService || []
window.KlarnaOnsiteService.push({ eventName: 'refresh-placements' })
Including On-Site Messages
The on-site messages themselves are included in the page using klarna-placement tags. Klarna provides information about the use of placement tags on their site.
If you are using amount based placements, the data-purchase-amount should be provided as a whole number. For example, $29.99 should be set as 2999 with the decimal place excluded.
If invalid information is provided to the tags, or Klarna is not available for the customers region, the tags will not be displayed.
Klarna OSM Integration Requirements
It is a requirement that merchants add a Klarna FAQ link in the site footer utilizing the FAQ OSM script. The associated placement data-key is ‘info-page’ and merchants should pass the appropriate locale based on the region of your customer.
The following code should be added on the page where you want the content to be displayed:
<!-- Placement v2 -->
<!-- end Placement -->
This will dynamically include the appropriate Klarna FAQ and explain the payment options that are available in the customers particular region.
Updated 9 months ago